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     For the first time in Ellas (Greece) the program of ELLINON SYNELEYSIS, as the legal representation of the Sovereign Ellene Nation, has been formally lodged to the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court (Areios Pagos) with Protocol No. 6199/04-09-2015 and is legally bound to carry out the immediate implementation as soon as it assumes the governance of the country.
It must be noted that NO political party has EVER formally lodged their Policy Statements to Areios Pagos, hence why their promises prior to elections, remain as empty promises!
With these statements, in unison with the Constitution and the Founding Declaration, they cover the entire scope of the Political Body.
All financials are readily available (2.3 trillion from the Heritage Accounts) to implement these projects. There is no “where will we get the funding”, or any binding loan contracts with foreign 3rd parties. Everything has been pre-planned through cost-analysis “Program Ellas”, and is ready for implementation.
It is the first time that the Ellene citizens have the ability to choose their own representatives so that they will have the power, governance, and laws that determine their own make-up in their own hands.

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